Carlsbad Schools

Carlsbad Schools

Schools for students who live in The Foothills

Let’s first take a look at the traditional schools for students that live in the Foothills.

  • Elementary: Hope Elementary
  • Middle: Calavera Hills Middle School
  • High: Carlsbad High School or Sage Creek high school.  Which school your child(ren) will go to is independent of where you live, but depends on a variety of factors.

Here’s a summary of pertinent school info. Click any school name for more.

School NameAPI ScoreRank*Rating**School RatingsGreat Schools
Hope Elementary910910More DetailsMore Details
Calavera Hills Middle86088More DetailsMore Details
Carlsbad High84099More DetailsMore Details
Sage Creek HighN/A109More DetailsMore Details

* API Scores and Rank are courtesy of
** Ratings are courtesy of

If you haven’t visited them already, here are some sites with some great information:

Carlsbad Area Schools

Click any school name for more information.


Map of Carlsbad Schools

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